Transforming Energy

Leading the way to an affordable and energy-efficient future.

Rochester District Heating Cooperative - or RDH - is the only customer-owned, nonprofit thermal energy cooperative in New York State, and provides reliable, cost-effective thermal energy to dozens of buildings in downtown Rochester, NY totaling more than 8.5 million square feet.

District energy systems employ technologies and equipment that are substantially more efficient than installing conventional boilers and heating plants within a building.

Our mission is to guide this unique community asset through the 21st century by upgrading the current infrastructure, investing in new technologies, and growing customer connections.

Please take a look around the site and then contact us. We can’t wait to show you how choosing district thermal energy will lower your heating costs!

Who We Serve

We serve a wide variety of end-use markets including heat for buildings, FDA quality grade steam for food preparation, job site heating and commercial hot water for laundry operations.

Real Estate Developers

Design & Engineering Consultants

Building Owners

HVAC Contractors


Our targeted investments in advanced technology and efficiency improvements have resulted in a world-class thermal district energy system.
